Holiday Treats That Can Lead to Unhealthy Teeth

Christmas is almost here which means sugary treats are everywhere.  Although it’s hard to turn down that delicious holiday cookie grandma just baked, we want to remind you about the effects sweets can have on your oral health.  Here are four of the most common treats we suggest to eat and drink in moderation during the holiday season:

Holiday Cookies – It’s enticing to grab one of those delicious holiday cookies that always seem to be available and laying around.  Before you reach for the second or third, it’s important to remember the amount of sugar each cookie contains and the amount of damage it can have on your teeth.

Holiday Drinks – There are a number of seasonal beverages like hot chocolate, eggnog, and warm apple ciders that are perfect for the holidays and make you feel warm inside.  Whenever you decide to drink one of these sugary drinks, try to keep it to only one cup or a small serving.  After you’ve finished, make sure to drink a glass of water afterward to help wash out some of the sugar residue and protect your teeth.

Candy Canes – This minty treat can cause a couple of negative effects on your teeth.  The prolonged amount of time these take to dissolve in your mouth leaves sugars lingering.  Also the hard and sticky structure makes it temping to bite, which could crack a tooth.

Caramels – Caramels are sticky treats that you find yourself chewing forever.  Even after you’ve finished, there always seems to be some lingering caramel left in your teeth.  The amount of sugar that is in a caramel treat can negatively affect your oral health.

All of these holiday temptations have a main ingredient, sugar.  We all know that sugar is bad for oral health because it mixes with bacteria on your teeth and will produce acid that erodes tooth enamel.  When you are enjoying these holiday sweets, just remember to keep your teeth in mind and try to take counter actions.  Make sure you are bushing twice daily and flossing regularly.  Also after your indulging, try to squeeze in an extra brush to remove the lingering sugar to keep your smile vibrant.  Everyone here at Easton Dentists wishes you all a happy and healthy holiday!