Happy Healthy Halloween! Smart Ways To Combine Dental Health With Halloween

halloween candy can cause tooth decay

Halloween is nearly upon us, and this means a fun time for the kids. They will eat lots of candy and probably stockpile sweets for the winter. This is perfectly normal behavior for kids. The only problem is that sweets and candy may not translate to healthy teeth and a bright smile. Now we cannot ban candy during the Halloween season because we want to enforce strict standards of dental hygiene. However, we can give the kids tips on dental care so that candy will not lead to cavities. Below are some smart ways to ensure that our kids maintain a Healthy Halloween.

Communicate with the kids

Children are not magicians so they cannot know what they have not been taught. Parents should explain the connection between sweets and cavities to the kids. Just teach the kids to brush their teeth immediately after eating candies and they will get the message.

Limit the sweets

After trick or treat night, limit how much candy your children consume for the night. Why?

  1. Sugary Snacks – Halloween favorites like candy corn contain a huge amount of sugar which leads to tooth decay.
  2. Chewy Sweets – Gummy candies are delicious but the remains get stuck in teeth and are a serious source of tooth decay.
  3. Sticky Sweets – Dried fruits may seem like a healthy choice to hand out for Halloween but as with chewy sweets, these fruits stick to your teeth and make it very hard for saliva to wash remains away.  Fresh fruits are the way to go if you’re going with the alternative route.
  4. Sour Candy – This may come as a little surprise to you, however, sour candy contains acid which erodes tooth enamel and helps foster tooth decay.

Show them a video or invite your dentist over

A picture is worth a thousand words and a movie is more effective than a lecture. Show the kids an interesting movie on proper dental care because this will make the right impression on them. In fact, this is a smart move because it will make Halloween a wonderful experience for the kids.

This is the perfect time to invite your family dentist to give an informal lecture to the kids. Make this a part of the Halloween festivities and it will have the right impact. Your family dentist or his representative should lecture the kids on proper dental hygiene, effective brushing techniques, and flossing the teeth. For best results, the dental expert should join the kids in eating candy.

Healthy dental habits will keep kids’ teeth in great shape for years to come and will make dentist trips quick and painless.

This Halloween, remember that moderation is key.  Enjoy those sweets but make sure you’re taking good care of your teeth all year.  Schedule your cleaning appointment with Easton Dentist today and we’ll make sure you stay on track. The Dental Center is here for regular checkups and any emergencies that may arise. Contact Easton Dental today to schedule an appointment for everyone in the family.
